Check Out These Tips on How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Your face develops acne scars when pimple breakouts perforate on your skin deeply, damaging the cells and tissues underneath it. Genetics can be one factor of scarring. However, it mainly occurs when you lose your skin’s collagen. Collagen plays an essential role in your skin’s healing process. So if your skin produces only a few collagen or too much collagen when you are having a breakout, it most probably may result in a scar. 

Acne scars are common, especially when you frequently experience acne breakouts. These scars can be very stubborn and super frustrating, particularly when you have to deal with severe and bothersome acne. On a brighter note, there are some ways to treat these stubborn scars. They do not have to be a permanent part of your face. The following are different ways that may help you treat acne scars.

Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is a compound usually found in skincare products. This ingredient helps clear up dirt from the pores of your skin that may cause acne. It also aids in reducing pimple swelling and redness in areas of your face, which can lessen the appearance of acne scars. Salicylic acid is ideal for different scar types and makes a good skincare product for most people who suffer from acne and scarring. But before using this product on your whole face, people, especially those with sensitive skin, must test this acid on a small part of their skin to avoid unwanted irritation.   

Lactic Acid

Products that contain lactic acid are also a good scarring treatment. You may find this ingredient in numerous skin peels, ointments, and serums. This product is best for any acne scar. Studies show that lactic acid helps in improving your skin texture and appearance, pigmentation of your skin, and lightening acne scars. 


Topical retinoids such as adapalene, tretinoin, and tazarotene can help reduce the appearance of scarring. They help prevent skin inflammation, reduce lesions, and speed up the regeneration of your skin cells. Topical retinoids also help in the hyperpigmentation of the scars, even those with darker complexions. Note that retinoids add to your skin’s sensitivity to the sun, so always wearing your sunscreen and avoiding direct sunlight is essential. 


Yes, sunscreen plays a vital role in protecting your skin. Wherever you go, it is essential to wear your sunscreen. Too much sun exposure may lead to the darkening of the acne scars. So always apply sunscreen with the proper SPF to protect your skin from further damage. 

Alpha Hydroxy Acid

Also known as AHA, Alpha hydroxy acid is a good product for treating acne and acne scars. AHA aids in getting rid of the dead skin cells and also help avoid clogged pores. It also helps scrape away the damaged outer layer of your skin, revealing fresh and new skin beneath it. 

Natural Remedies

A lot of people use natural home remedies to treat scarring. However, no science could prove the effectiveness of these natural products. Some of these products may cause skin irritation and other issues, so people must be cautious in using them. 

Natural remedies that people use to treat acne and scarring include

  • aloe vera gel
  • baking soda
  • coconut oil
  • raw honey
  • lemon juice
  • shea butter

If at-home treatments are ineffective in treating your scarring, dermatologists and skin specialists may help. Apart from these products and home remedies, acne scars may also be treated using the following medical procedures. 


Dermabrasion is a commonly used facial treatment and one of the most effective procedures to treat acne scars. This medical procedure uses a rotating wire brush or a spinning instrument to exfoliate and wear down the top layer of the skin. A new, fresh, and smoother layer will appear, replacing the damaged skin layer. It usually takes ten days to three weeks for your skin to heal when using dermabrasion. 

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels aren’t the same as the peel-off masks you usually do at home. It is a skin treatment that uses strong acids to remove the damaged layer of the skin, reducing scarring. Your dermatologist would recommend what type of peel is suitable for your skin and acne scar type. A chemical peel is usually a treatment for deeper scars. 

Laser Treatment

Like dermabrasion and chemical peels, laser treatment also removes the damaged upper layer of the skin, revealing the younger cells underneath your skin that could help reduce acne scars. Laser treatment has faster healing compared to other skin procedures. However, it is not advisable for everyone, especially those who are still suffering from acne breakouts. The success of this treatment usually depends on a person’s skin type and acne scar, and it may cause an unwanted skin reaction to some people, especially to those with sensitive skin.